Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Brandon Figliolino 
December 25th, 2016 
Hey. It’s me. I know, it’s late. You’re probably asleep, your stomach full of good food and wine, and your heart full of hope and happiness. I’ll be falling into slumber soon, but for the time being, I have a mug of cocoa by my side, a purring cat  on my lap, and my fingers twitch with an angst. I have a desire to write. 
I’m sure you’ve seen or heard of the so-called “holiday letters.” I receive them from time to time, as you might too. They’re an entertaining way to recall the past year, and a good way to share in the triumphs and successes of friends and family. When photos are attached, they’re even better! 
Writing a holiday letter has crossed my mind, but it’s difficult to synopsize everything that I’ve done, and it’s impossible to snip, cut, and relay in two pages the emotions I’ve felt. To omit events, people, and thoughts would be a disservice to me and to you, my intended recipient. Plus, who’s to say anyone would enjoy reading about graduate school or government work? I’m sure there are more interesting topics to read on the internet, like Pinterest crafts or knitting clubs. 
No, I will not write a holiday letter this evening. I will not put into writing what I’ve experienced this year, no matter how memorable, exciting, or scary the events may have been. I have a different idea instead. 
Tonight, on this warm and calm Christmas evening, I choose to write a thank you letter, addressed to you. You’re sound asleep, but I hope when you awake, you’ll see this letter, and reminisce about our adventures over the past year, with a smile on your face, and love in your heart, as I have done whilst typing awaywith the occasional breaks to sip cocoa and pet my furry companion, of course. 
Thank you, for encouraging me to pursue my passions, to strive for greatness. 
Thank you, for kneeling by my side when I’ve fallen, and for extending your hand to help me stand. 
Thank you, for consoling me in times of darkness; your embrace brought me comfort. 
Thank you, for cheering me onward and forward, and for celebrating in my proudest moments. 
Thank you, for reminding me that I have value, and that I am loved.  
Thank you, for being a part of my life. 
I won’t say I’ve “grown” this year; I’m 5’9” and I doubt I’ll get any taller. I won’t say that I’ve “changed” either; I’m still the public policy goofball with two cats I’ve been for years. What I will say is that I’ve become more myself, in every sense of the word. 
You’ve played an integral part in helping me reconnect with my mind, body, and spirit. 
With my mug of steaming hot cocoa, I toast to you, our friendship, and our futures. The world can be uncertain, but I am confident that with you by my side, there will be nothing for me to fear. You’ll be there for me, and I’ll be there for you. We’ll be stronger together, as we’ve been in the past and will be in the future. 2017 is a few days away, and I can’t wait to spend it with you.  
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 
(C) 2016 Brandon Figliolino

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