Saturday, September 3, 2016


Brandon Figliolino
(C) 2010

Look at you!
What a lovely little boy you are,
Dressed in your finest Sunday School suit.
Pursed lips, eyes narrowed,
Watching all, checking for calm, ensuring stability and order
Along the lovely tree-lined street,
Full of cute little houses and cute little gardens.
It's a perfect cute little suburbia. 

My, what a lovely little boy you are! 

Back and forth, 
Down the cul-de-sac, 
On your cute little bicycle,
Pedaling the summer days away.
Looking for excitement, 
Fun with friends!

Oh, lovely little boy riding your bike down the empty street,
Wouldn’t you like to fly a kite instead?
Watch it fly oh so high in the sky! Soar to the heavens it will go!

My lovely little boy, I have a cute little kite for you,
One that looks like a cute little dragon,
Fierce and terrifying!
It's mouth open, teeth bared,
With a tail of hellish flames.

It's just what lovely little boys like you dream of using!

You are in control, my lovely little boy, 
Use your voice! Use your power! 
Make the world a better, cuter, lovelier place to live.

The sky is as blue as your eyes, my lovely little boy
The wind is warm like your breath,
Blowing to and fro—the perfect kite flying weather it is!  

Oh, my lovely little boy, yearning for freedom and adventure,
Order and perfection, 
Purity among all men,
Won’t you fly a kite?
Just like Benjamin Franklin!

Without the lightning. 

Context: This poem was written as a writing exercise for a workshop taken at the University of Colorado-Boulder. 

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